jueves, 8 de junio de 2017

Italy Photo

It is my favorite photo since we are four friends doing a bilge that we had planned to do

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017


Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Former Abbey of Saint-Rémi and Palace of Tau, Reims

The outstanding handling of new architectural techniques in the 13th century, and the harmonious marriage of sculptural decoration with architecture, has made Notre-Dame in Reims one of the masterpieces of Gothic art. The former abbey still has its beautiful 9th-century nave, in which lie the remains of Archbishop St Rémi (440–533), who instituted the Holy Anointing of the kings of France. The former archiepiscopal palace known as the Tau Palace, which played an important role in religious ceremonies, was almost entirely rebuilt in the 17th century.

jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017

Sonnet 67

Ah wherefore with infection should he live,
And with his presence grace impiety,
That sin by him advantage should achieve,
And lace it self with his society?
Why should false painting imitate his cheek,
And steal dead seeming of his living hue?
Why should poor beauty indirectly seek,
Roses of shadow, since his rose is true?
Why should he live, now nature bankrupt is,
Beggared of blood to blush through lively veins,
For she hath no exchequer now but his,
And proud of many, lives upon his gains?
O him she stores, to show what wealth she had,
In days long since, before these last so bad.
¿Por qué razón, debiera, él, vivir apestado,
y honrar con su presencia la maligna impiedad,
para que por su gracia se aventaje el pecado,
usando de las galas que da su compañía?

¿Y por qué el falso afeite, imita su mejilla,
y roba para un pálido su viviente color
o porqué la belleza empobrecida busca,
imaginarias rosas, siendo su flor real?

 ¿Por qué ha de vivir hoy con la Natura en quiebra,
de sangre, porque encienda, otras venas vivientes?
Por que Natura en él, tiene su gran tesoro,
y orgullosa de tanto, vive de su ganancia.

    Lo guarda por mostrar, la riqueza que tuvo,
en días ya remotos, antes que estos tan malos.

sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017

Sebastião Salgado

Sebastião Salgado 

It is my favorite photo because I am charmed with the leopards and the method that it uses salgado in this this photo very well, and also it is necessary to think that it had to approach enough to be able to extract the photo and it also transmits little fear

Favourite photographer

Trey Ratcliff 

Trey Ratcliff is an American, original photographer of Austin, Texas. Pioneer of the photography HDR and probably most recognized for using the technology nowadays. His photography centres on the trips, with locations on the United States, On Japan, France, Argentina, China, Russia, Iceland and New Zealand. His images have to ghost in means as the BBC, ABC, FOX, CBS and NBC. His photos and histories capture the beauty of the exotic destinations and the humor of strange situations that one finds.It uses several angles, from the low angle or the Slanted angle up to the Aerial shot. And is my favourite photographer because i really like his photos ande colours of the photos

Resultado de imagen de Trey RatcliffResultado de imagen de Trey RatcliffResultado de imagen de Trey Ratcliff

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017



link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B62CgQ_X8GdPS3FzMjdrWldkc1E/view?usp=sharing